Bill Card Award to the Junior League of Harlingen
Posted: Saturday, October 28, 2017 8:43 pm
By RAUL GARCIA Staff Writer
HARLINGEN — The public library expects to hand out its Bill Card Award in May to the Junior League of Harlingen for the group’s efforts to help the library grow.
“The Harlingen Junior League has been raising money to fund and create an active teen space in the library,” said Dauna Campbell, Harlingen library director.
She said the library has been working with one of the group’s members for the past year.
The Junior League of Harlingen is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. The organization’s purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
Campbell called the Junior League of Harlingen’s effort a big step for the library.
“It’s going to be a place where teens feel welcome and gives them a home away from home,” Campbell said. “We want to encourage them to be here and be part of our community.”
She said once the teen advisory group was organized two years ago, one of the goals was to make a teen space with a current collection of teen books.
There are more than 100 members on the Library’s Teen Advisory group.
The teen space is expected to be located on the first floor in the back left corner of the library.
“We are carving out a little home for the kids,” Campbell said. “It will be a book collection, a place where they can meet and have programs.”
She said the Junior League has been gracious enough to help the library design the space. They have talked to community members and they have been working hard to make this dream come true.
Campbell expects to report to the City Commission in December to reveal the amount of money raised by the Junior League of Harlingen, the plan and to seek approval from the commission to complete the project.
The city of Harlingen Library Board first established the Bill Card Award in 1998.
The award is presented annually for unselfish and dedicated service by any organization or individual who contributes toward the success of the library in accomplishing its mission of providing excellent library service to the citizens of the city of Harlingen.
The award was named after Card, a former Harlingen mayor and businessman, for his effort to obtain funding for the library facility, his devotion to advocating for volunteerism for the city and library, his personal donation and sincere concern for the Harlingen Public Library.
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